In furtherance of our church’s efforts to exercise good stewardship for the safety of the congregation and staff, the following information regarding the ongoing COVID-19 (COVID) pandemic is being shared.
Accurate attendance lists will be generated and maintained for all classroom and childcare participants. While no attendance records are generated for worship services, available collateral records and resources will be used to assist in that effort.
Consistent with public health guidelines and the confidential nature of the process, if the church becomes aware of a congregant testing positive for COVID after attending a church service, function, or meeting, a general announcement will be made to the church of the known case.
This announcement would be made via the church website, email and as appropriate during an upcoming in-person gathering. This announcement would not identify the person or persons but only the date and church activity at which the individual or individuals were present.
In like manner an announcement will be made to the church at large if it is determined that an attendee, following their presence at a church activity, learns they had been exposed to someone who has tested positive for COVID. This announcement will afford attendees an opportunity to seek testing, monitor themselves and their family members more closely for symptoms or to adjust their level of contacts with other individuals. Recommendations regarding suggested protocols related to exposure have changed over time, so congregants are encouraged to contact their personal physician or visit the Kentucky Department of Health COVID website at for the current recommendations.
It should further be noted that it is possible that in the event of a COVID incident, you may be contacted by a health care worker stemming from the interview of a person who has contracted COVID prior to the church receiving this information.
The church has initiated and will maintain cleaning and sanitizing protocols. In addition to any posted signage, all attendees are strongly encouraged to follow the guidance recommended by health officials regarding the use of hand sanitizer, face masks/coverings, and by maintaining social distancing.
While no protocols can address every situation that may arise, it is the intent of church leadership to continue to take reasonable precautions as we endeavor to act in the best interest of all. Prayerfully, we will continue to walk forward in the Spirit that God has given us - not of fear but of power, of love and of a sound mind.